IA startup auteur de Transformer, Sakana AI, lance AI Scientist

IA startup auteur de Transformer, Sakana AI, lance AI Scientist

Sakana AI claims that the AI Scientist can produce a complete research paper at a cost of just $15, based on the computing resources it uses. Moreover, its papers “exceed the acceptance threshold” of a well known machine learning conference, as judged by an automated review process.


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“From ideation, writing code, running experiments and summarizing results, to writing entire papers and conducting peer-review, The AI Scientist opens a new era of AI-driven scientific research and accelerated discovery,” the researchers wrote.

Un premier modèle du genre qui présente quelques limitesUn tel modèle pourrait accélérer la recherche dans de nombreux domaines, notamment dans la science des matériaux, la découverte de nouveaux médicaments ou les sciences environnementales. Il reste toutefois de nombreuses étapes à franchir pour que le modèle rivalise avec ce que font les humains.


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The AI Scientist appears to be a significant breakthrough in generative AI, with its ability to conduct research processes entirely autonomously suggesting that Sakana AI’s team has achieved a level of creativity and reasoning that’s much closer to that of humans. The implications of such a system are significant, as it could potentially pave the way for continuous scientific research, overcoming the limitations of human researchers, who need to take coffee breaks, eat lunch and go home at the end of each day. It could lead to more rapid advances in various fields, such as materials science, drug discovery and climate change mitigation.


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